quarta-feira, 18 de julho de 2018

Article: Thomaz Scheuchl, the Trajectory of a Disciple of Beuron: from the Restoration of the Cathedral of the Ascension in Satu Mare to the Paintings of Churches in Brazil

Abstract: In our studies about the Beuron School of Art and its arrival in Brazil, we consider the hypothesis that it has been used in the decoration of Liturgical spaces, either partially or entirely, by other artists directly linked to the Beuron School of Art or by influence of the new paintings of Basilica of Our Lady of Assumption, works made by Dom Adalbert Gresnigt (1877-1956) and Br. Clement Maria Frischauf (1869-1944) from 1914 to 1922. To verify this hypothesis, we have analyzed the set of pictorial cycles located in the College's Chapel of São Bento Faculty, in the Eucharistic Sanctuary Our Lady of Penha, two medallions in Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption, and some pictorial fragments of the Church of the Rosary of Campinas, all of them works by Thomaz Scheuchl made between 1920s and 1940s. We also remember that the artist developed some of the graphic works, such as the cover to the Almanac of the National Basilica of Our Lady of Aparecida, but it is possible that he could have made other works which are unknown up to the present moment. 
Keywords: Thomaz Scheuchl, Beuron School of Art, sacred art, art and liturgy, religious image.

CONCEIÇÃO, R. A. . (2018) Thomaz Scheuchl, the trajectory of a disciple of Beuron: from the restoration of the Cathedral of the Ascension from Satu Mare to the church paintings from Brazil. ANASTASIS. Research in Medieval Culture and Art. Anastasis. Vol. V, Nr. 1/ May 2018. p.238-263. ISSN 2392–862X (print); ISSN-L 2392–862X; ISSN 2392–9472 (online). 

All contents available in: Volume V, No. 1, May, 2018 http://anastasis-review.ro/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Vol-5-1-2018.pdf